Our mission? To put the Drunk back into Run!
Curriculum of the SPOR&DIC Hash
Since the SPOR&DIC is a Hash, rule number 1 is 'There are no rules!'. But since the SPOR&DIC is a Hash, there are of course some guidelines (i.e. rules) that has to be followed.
The following criteria has to be met for a run to be considered SPOR&DIC.
SPOR&DIC is a Hash for people who enjoy both running and drinking. Hares must also allow time for some socialising before it's time to head home. This especially if the next day's a working day.
Drink stops are mandatory! Not having one, even if the run is short, might very well disqualify any run as SPOR&DIC depending on the mood of the attending SPOR&DIC GM:s.
A SPOR&DIC Hare must make sure that plenty of real beer (or wine, or aquavit, et cetera, ad infinitum, ad nauseam) is withing easy reach, although weaker beers may be OK for drink stops and down-downs.
NO SPOR&DIC run is complete without a circle, however small or short!